Joselyn Meow Nelson I really like Travis Adshade. He has the nicest blue eyes i've ever seen ♥ I really hope we get back together. -Joselyn Nelson ♥

Joselyn Meow Nelson

Joselyn Meow Nelson joselyn nelson loves nicole garden ! (:

Nicole i love someone very much ..
- nicole garden ;; - ♥ !

Becca Lombardo (Toronto, ON) wroteat 1:41pm on March 16th, 2009
Also, I love you to all who saw me struggle during my lifetime and lent a hand. Even if it was only a smile, even a kind words you touched my life in a way that made it better.Thank you for believing in me*smile* Thank you so much for that.*hugs*

Becca Lombardo (Toronto, ON) wroteat 1:39pm on March 16th, 2009
I love you for everything you are and everything you will be! Thank you for coming into my life and making it more complete.XO
Laura Dennett wrote
at 9:21am
i love you more than chocolate, pumpa!

Niki Sinfield (London) wrote
at 5:56am
fate brought us together, love brought us closer... now until forever, we will be together x
Alex Sutherland (Beal High School) wrote
at 4:49pm
one bollocking second where do i upload my photos on this group =s

Alex Sutherland (Beal High School) wrote
at 4:46pm
two problems:

1. mines not on a wall if you dont like it tough

2. i dont love her anymore infact this group is making me fucking lonely i dought (if thats how you spell it) i belong

Christina Julia (St. Augustine's Priory) wrote
at 2:03pm
I love my baby
Hes gorgeous and i am gona be with him forever and ever cos i know we can get thru anything
Ill never let you go

Ally Clinton (Cayuga Secondary School) wrote
at 12:28am
The first day I met you, I walked up to you, you looked at me and gave me a hug, and then said Hii nice to meet you, I loved your personality most, your looks aren't important to me, but I still think you are damn hot, so do many girls. :P

Everytime I talk to you, my heart beat a little faster, my throat tenses up.

I wish you knew I'm serious when I say I love you and I miss you.
I also wish you meant it the same way as I do when you say "I love you too."

From: Ally. ♥
To: Annoymous. ♥
Jordan Klassen-Prystupa (Calgary, AB) wrote
at 5:43pm
Andres Jaqui, when I met yuu, I didnt know wat to think.
Now that your mine, I never want to let go.
Yuur my everything, my love, my life, my world.
It hasn't even been that long and it already feels like a life time.
I can't wait for the rest of it. ♥
Love Forever and Always,
Jordan ♥

Heidi Mayes (Chelmer Valley High School) wrote
at 4:38pm
Ii Love My baby Mr.Kyle Green away Binn With You For twoo Years Wee Had our ups and dwns But i will Always Love You baby Boii F&&A ,, ♥

Almost 250 lovers...

Bethany Haynes (Riverside Secondary School) wrote
at 11:23am
To the love of my life Ogi
thanks you for being there for me,
love you know and always

Sarah Procter wrote
at 7:26am
For being there for me..
For always making me smile and laugh..
For having fun with me even when we look like complete idiots..
For caring when no one else did..
For letting me talk about stuff u probaby didnt want to hear (!)..
For being a great friend..
For never giving up..
For keeping ur promises..
For always doing whats best for me..

♥ I love you ♥


(for helping me through the rough patches with *Edward* and not getting freaked out when i told u i loved uu!!!!!!!)

Donna Acton (West Midlands) wrote
at 5:25am
To my husband, Steven Acton, I love you, you are my world, from your wife Donna x x x x x

Joselyn Nelson (Halifax West) wrote
at 12:26am
I always love you Dylan Gerstenberger ♥
You're my world & I'll never let go!

Katie Dorgan (Westisle Composite High School) wrote
at 11:43pm yesterday
To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear love.. are already three parts dead♥
Aimee Whittington wrote
at 2:49pm
For holding my hand, even in front of your friends.
For always being there.
For the way you say that we wont end
For the way you stroke my hair
For loving me for who I am
For being only you
For hearing what they say and just not giving a damn
From the bottom of my heart I thank you

I love you Rich ♥ ♥
with all of myself.

Lorraine Wedge wrote
at 2:43pm
if a hug could show you how much i love you id hold you ronnie boyns in my arms forever
Gabrielle Spendlove (Tupton Hall School) wrote
at 8:10am
for everything,
i love you
leo jack green ♥

Hillary Nicole Koochin (Stanley Humphries Secondary) wrote
at 2:09am
Some say you dont treat me right.
Sometimes they're right
I love you, anyways.

Linda F Macdonald wrote
at 9:09pm yesterday
I love little baby ducks [in the pen], old pick up trucks{if they run], slow moving trains{if I have the time to get on one]and most of all I love you too!!

Jackie Maloney (Bristol) wrote
at 3:23pm yesterday
how could i have been such a blind fool to break you down?
instead of hearing your heart out, let you make peace with your inner self - explain
how can i say i have no regrets?
when i regret every harsh word of every fight,
i did not apprehend the black scars it would leave on my soul xx

Tracy Day wrote
at 3:18pm yesterday
I love Jason Baker
I love my MUM
I love Jason's mum
I love Jason's dad

Cathy Petersen (London) wrote
at 3:17pm yesterday
My true love...............I love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Cheral Govind (Turton High School Media Arts College) wrote
at 2:36pm yesterday
i love this group
i love my mum
i love the amazing people i can call my friends
most of all, i love me ;)
jokin haha xx